Live the Fourth

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my
Redeemer." - Psalm 19:14 (NIV)

When I was in high school I went on a senior retreat that lasted four days. The retreat was a way of breaking us down, and having us built back up as better people, with a closer relationship with God. As we left we were told to "Live the Fourth" a saying that is only understood by those of us who have gone through that school.

With that in mind, I wanted to make the fourth day of this challenge something that I will try to live out as well. Yes, everyday of this 30-day challenge is meant to carry over into long-term habits. However, the laundry doesn't need to be done everyday. I can't shower my wife with gifts everyday, some of these things can only be done once every few days, or once every month.

Today's challenge is to "Live the Fourth" the fourth being that I don't say anything negative to my wife for the whole day. I won't correct her, or argue, or be condescending. These are things that I will do around my friends, and because I am so comfortable around my wife, I treat her like one of my good friends. It's taken a long time to figure out how to change the tone of my voice to make sure she understands when I am joking. It's taken even longer to realize she doesn't want me to joke with her like that.

No correcting.
No mocking even as innocuous as it may be.
No arguing.
No negativity aimed at her in any way.

Then Live the Fourth.

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