The Idiocy of 9-5 Work Days

There are so many reasons why business hours staying 9am to 5pm are wasteful, out dated, and just plain stupid.

Why are doctors only available until 5PM when almost everyone will be working until then? Why aren't dentist offices open on the weekends? If I want to go in for a routine check up, I have to take two hours worth of work and miss it.

We're also smart enough that we understand that everyone doesn't have the same circadian rhythm. Some of us are more efficient from 11am to 7pm while others are more efficient from 7am to 3pm.

But the obvious problems with the 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 system doesn't stop new businesses from setting those hours. The website The Great Office Escape explains why we should be staggering hours.
Greatly reduces the volume of cars on the road and destroys rush hour
People can make appointments without missing work
Allows people to set their own hours more readily
Gives business owners more options
Encourages early rising for people who are early risers and sleeping in for people who don’t like mornings

Sounds like a healthier society, doesn’t it?

The worst part...rush hour traffic. Watch the video below to see just how bad being imprisoned in your car for hours every week can be.

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