10 Things To Appreciate Your Husband For

(Lists that get right to the point)

1. Letting you clean up after him... It's personally my favorite thing to do.

2. Allowing you to pick up his clothes that are thrown in the floor.

3. Acknowledging the fact that you clean the bathroom so can shave and not rinse it out when he's done.

4. Offering to cook when you are working late...

5. Understanding that home decor is always left to the wife, unless it's a man cave.

6. When you ask him to do something, there's a 25% chance he wasn't listening, along with a 75% chance it won't happen.

7. Letting us all take in the enjoyment or lack-thereof when his sports teams lose.


8. Watching Grey's Anatomy with us.


9. Not feeding the pet so it will starve. (My husband is the exception. He'll feed the cat before he feeds himself.)


10. Taking your car to work on a snow day, which usually results in someone having to clean off the car outside.. (spoiler alert: you'll do it.)

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