The Top Twenty
With my wife and I being followers of Christ, I will use the Bible as inspiration. As you read this blog, you'll learn of my skepticism of the Old Testament. However, there is still plenty of good things within it to build off of.
Day One: 20 Ways My Wife Makes My Life Better
The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ Genesis 2:18
How you help better my life:
1. Makes my lunch (leaves a note on the door so I won’t forget it)
2. Allows me to vent about my struggles. (Until she’s tired of listening)
3. Helps me fall asleep
4. Watches shows that I like
5. Pulls for the teams that I pull for
6. Does the dishes
7. Does the laundry
8. Cooks dinner/cleans up after dinner
9. Goes grocery shopping
10. Decorates the house
11. Makes me feel better
12. Loves me when I don’t always deserve it
13. Tries to be understanding
14. Picks up my medicine
15. Schedules things for me. Doctors appointment etc
16. Applies for jobs for me
17. Sends me reminders
18. wakes me up for work
19. Deals with my crazy family
20. Puts a smile on my face, even through the toughest times.
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